Steve Schneider: The First Three Songs

Jeffrey Moose Gallery and photographer Steve Schneider celebrate the publication the new book, The First Three Songs with an exhibition during January and February, 2022.
The First Three Songs, Rock and Roll at 125th of a Second
“The First Three Songs” is a celebration of generations of artists joyfully making a living with rock and roll. And that joy is what Schneider captures so effectively because he loves what these artists create.Some musicians featured are The Grateful Dead, Neil Young, Nirvana, Soundgarden, Tom Petty, and The Rolling Stones.
“Steve Schneider’s career has crossed the centuries, from acid and country rock to blues and grunge and back. His list of noteworthy shots is a who’s who roll call from our collective music history.”
-Jeffrey Moose Gallery
Watch a brief interview with Steve about his new book produced by Seattle’s King 5 Evening Magazine.

Exhibition info and available works: https://jeffreymoosegallery.com/wordpress/steve-schneider-the-first-three-songs/
The Jeffery Moose Gallery is located at 181 Winslow Way E, Suite F, Bainbridge Island, Washington, 98110
The gallery is open Tuesday – Friday 10-5:30, Saturday 11-6 and also by appointment.
+1 360 598 4479